Ready to start your next project with us?

Rofasys can help you build better websites and app mobile!
Just contact us and start going.

Find Out More


Rofasys is an IT company focusing on software development as products and/or services. Rofasys's customers come from wide variety of industries or organizations, including logistics/express, construction, and government. They are all share a common competitive advantage - leveraging our core analytic and information delivery solutions and services.

At Your Service

Website Development

Website making

Mobile Development

Mobile making


Workforce support for you.

Technology used


Ready to start your next project with us? That's great! Give us a call or send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

Rukan Jambore Park No. 91, Jl. Jambore Raya
Cibubur Jakarta Timur - 13720